Laghima Siddhi

What is Laghima Siddhi?

Laghima Siddhi is the spiritual ability to temporarily make one’s physical body so light that it can float in the air, almost weightless, “as light as a cotton fiber” as Patanjali puts it. When fully mastered, and coupled with control of the five elements, it is said to grant the power of self-directed flight. It does not actually change the body, but rather changes the relationship between the body and the outer laws of nature (in this case gravity). The flight that it grants is not aerodynamic flight involving lift and propulsion, but simply free movement through open and unimpeded space, ignoring gravity and having supernatural control of the air itself.

Laghima Siddhi is said to be developed through certain techniques of Yoga, meditation (especially Samyama meditation, combining Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi, focused on the Vishuddha Chakra and on certain other elemental principles), Pranayama, and other Sadhanas. Laghima Siddhi is described in the Puranas (the Devi Bhagavata Purana goes into especial detail), Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and other ancient manuals of Yoga.

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